Sunday 6 May 2012

Harsh Realities

In my past few blogs, I have been deliberately keeping myself away from issues which have been stirring my soul. Basically because I didn't want you all to think that this middle aged lady has lost it (trying to imbibe the lingo used by today's youth). But today morning,  when I watched  Amir Khan's TV show "Satyamev Jayate" I realised I am not the only one to be concerned. So many times even I mull over the thought  that is this the country our freedom fighters had laid their lives for? Is this the kind of future they had envisaged for us? When I talk about the daily irritating incidents happening to me or around me, it is because of the fact that somewhere I question myself again and again, that has education made us more civilised or uncivil, or maybe it would be right to say civilised brutes.

I have not and will not talk about female infanticide because I have boiled my blood immensely over it in my youth. I belong to the generation in which waves of feminism were strong. Many of us had the guts to take a stand against many issues which we felt were strong at that time. But have any of these been resolved? On the contrary they have increased and in a more civilised and sophisticated way. Female Infanticide, Dowry deaths, Polygamy, Rapes, Child Marriage, Eve teasing......and many more. They all are still prevalent. and in a more heinous way.

Female infanticide has taken the form of a highly organised money making sector. Polygamy has given way to adjustments by both the husband and wife to live lives their own way or more so to wife swapping. Rapes have been replaced by gang rapes or cases of incest.  Child Marriage has television shows on it in the prime time slot. Eve teasing has  become a man's prerogative. If the girl doesn't give into his advancements she has to face an acid attack or rape. Dowries have subtly become the gifts to be given to the young couple to start their life on a good note.

Though, I do see a remarkable difference in the woman of today. She has become more enduring. Thanks to the support of the parents, who have taken care to provide education to their daughters. Credit to those who have taught their daughters to treat themselves as human beings ....the woman of today has become more self dependent. She is strong enough to accept her fate, collect her belongings if she is given the chance to and move on. It can be her children, a pair of clothes thrown at her when she is kicked out of her house, or for that matter only her self esteem too, which she holds close to her bosom and settles down courageously to start life afresh. She moves on making a free way for the man who otherwise should have taken care of her, to let him enjoy his life unblemished.  Her place in his life is unquestionably taken by another woman. And the so called society gets one more topic to gossip about in its next party.......


  1. Female foetocide is disturbibg and alarming. Basically a problem more in the educated rather than the less or un educated lot.
    I recall argueing with my paternal grandma on the issue of baby preferences ( as a bachelor ), i told her if there are no females how do you expect to have son's ? I was answered with a light love filled joking slap.
    Nowadays, it is the same, without understanding the fundamentals of our own existance.
    Population control is another reason to be believed to be behind it.
    As Amir, in his program said, it is our choice, our decision, and our own thinking to either fight this social injustice or be a part of this foetocide racket.

  2. Sapna , have u read what Tasleema Nasreen has said about this programme ? She says when a film star has raised this social cause so much hype has been created about it whereas no one gives it a thought when these issues are raised by social activists/feminists .... what do u say about that ...

  3. But i liked the song " Oo ri Chiriyaa " ..... what a beautiful , lovely , emotional lyrics ....

  4. Lokesh, social activists/feminists work more on a subtle level trying to bring a change. Obviously when a star is approached to associate with something it is with the idea of creating a hype. The fact is that this hype is to reach to the common man and bring a change.
